What is Tauheed ? Its meaning and kind [IN BRIEF]


Literally Tawheed means "unification" or "asserting oneness" and it comes from the Arabic word "Wahhada" which itself means to unite , unify, or consolidate. However , when the term tawheed is used in reference to Allah , it means realizing and affirming Allah`s unity in all of man`s actions which directly or indirectly relate to him. It is  the belief that Allah is one, without partner in his dominion , one without similitude in His essence and attributes, and one without rival in His divinity and in worship.

Because of this principle of tawheed , the Islamic belief in God is uniquely unitarian and Islam is counted among the world`s monotheistic religions along with Juadism and Christianity.

The three categories of Tawheed are commonly referred by the following titles :
  1.  Tawheed ar - Ruboobeeyah : lit. " Maintaining the oneness of Lordship ", that is affirming Allah is one , without partners in his sovereignty.
  2.  Tawheed al - Asmaa` was-sifaat : lit. " Maintaing the unity of Allah`s name and Attributes ," that is affirming that they are incomparable and unique
  3.  Tawheed al - `Ibadaah : Affirming that Allah is alone in his right to be worshipped.    

source : Islamic Online University